How to reach us
WP 40°49' 36'' N, 14°06' 51'' E
Sudcantieri is situated in the ideal position for reaching the islands of Capri, Ischia and Procida: the focal point between the Aeolian and the Pontine islands.
The distance in nautical miles:
Procida: 7 miles SW
Ischia: 12 miles SW
Sorrento: 15 miles SE
Capri: 16 miles S
Positano: 27 miles E
Amalfi: 31 miles E
Ventotene: 25 miles W
Ponza: 55 miles W
The winds: The predominant winds are the ‘libeccio’ (the south-west wind), the ‘ponente’ (the west wind) and the mistral (the north-west wind); traverse: at noon; sheltered: south east wind.
Lighthouses and beacons: 2409.4 (E 1625.2) – A position light with a fixed green light, range 3 M, on the extreme edge of the cliff that protects the fishermen’s mooring place.